Salah | Time | |
Fajr | 5:42 AM | 5:47 am |
Zuhr | 1:11 PM | 1:16 pm |
Asr | 4:32 PM | 4:37 pm |
Magrib | 7:31 PM | 7:36 pm |
Isha | 8:29 PM | 8:34 pm |

The Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Asociation (ISIA) of Ottawa
About Us

About Islamic Center
The Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Association (ISIA) of Ottawa was formed in 1994 to serve the religious needs of the growing Ottawa Muslim community. By the Grace of Allah we then were able to raise funds to purchase our very own Imambargah for this Muslim Community. With the continued blessings of Allah, we continue to offer many programs and services and have now added this website as another convenience for the Ottawa Jamaat.
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Help Our Cause
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Since 1994 , Our institution guiding students and people around the world. Helping others in every community and region with astonishing facilities. Since 1987, Our institution guiding students and people all around the world with education institutes.

Our Services
We Need your help.
The Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Asociation (ISIA) of Ottawa was formed in 1994 to serve the religious needs of the growing Ottawa Muslim community. By the Grace of Allah we then were able to raise funds to purchase our very own Imambargah for this Muslim Community. With the continued blessings of Allah we continue to offer many programs and services.
Things We Are Doing
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis um voluptatum deleniti atque orrupti quos dolores.

Sunday School
Sunday School...
Regular programs
Regular programsRegular programs related to birth and martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad and His family...
Funeral Services
Funeral ServicesFuneral Services (lot, opening closing and tombstone are not included at this time)...
Muharam Programs
Muharam ProgramsRegular programs related to birth and martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad and His family......
Latest News Reports
Nam facilisis mauris a metus finibus, id gravida velit ornare. Cras neque tortor, faucibus sit amet lacus eu, maximus hendrerit ipsum.
1st Ashra e Muharram 1446 (2024)
Muharram (1446) 2024 Program Details
Brothers and Sisters,...
Read MoreIslamic Scholars
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