• Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Association Ottawa
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رَمَضَان‎ ١٩ ١٤٤٦
July 30th to August 8th - 1st Ashra of Muharram, in person majalis by Maulana Syed Abul Qasim Rizvi Sahab (Australia).
July 30th to August 8th - 1st Ashra of Muharram, in person majalis by Maulana Syed Abul Qasim Rizvi Sahab (Australia).
History Image
Few Words About

History Of Center

The Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Asociation (ISIA) of Ottawa was formed in 1994 to serve the religious needs of the growing Ottawa Muslim community. By the Grace of Allah we then were able to raise funds to purchase our very own Imambargah for this Muslim Community. With the continued blessings of Allah we continue to offer many programs and services, and have now added this web site as another convenience for the Ottawa Jamaat.

  • Sunday School
  • Regular Programs
  • Ramzan Programs
  • Local Charity Work
  • Funeral Services
  • Eid Prayers
  • Muharam Program

Donate Now

Brothers and Sisters Salamun Alekum

We , at ISIA felt the strong need to broadening the ways through which ISIA can accept donation . We fully acknowledge the fact that most of us are no longer writing checks in general for most of our needs in this age of technology , Hence in order to cater this changing environment and By the grace of Allah Subhanawataalah and by the sadqa of Masomeeens Allehy Salam , we at ISIA Ottawa added new ways of accepting donations besides Cash / Check as in line with the changing trends of High Technology age .

A. Email Money Transfer : ( For Canadian Donors ONLY )

We at ISIA are pleased to to announce that ISIA has started accepting email Money Transfer . Please note down the following information If you want to benefit from this facility

  1. Email address to be added in your online banking Web : TBA
  2. In the Box where you can send us some notes, Please write down your name ( which you want to be printed on Tax Receipt ) , Phone number and address for your identification.

B. POS ( Point of Sale / Debit/ Credit Machine ) : ( For In person Donation )

We are in a process of finalizing the logistics of getting a point of sale ( Debit / Credit ) Machine , which will be available with Brother Kashif Alamdar most of the times when we have a program which will be used to give Donation using your Debit card ( Preferred ) or Credit Card ( Not preferred due to more service charges but acceptable ) . You can start benefiting from in Inshallah from January 2013 onwards

C. Mailing the check to our address : ( For within Canada Donation ) Please get our address from Contact us section or email us at info@isia-ottawa.com for more details .

D. Donate Online Here


Thanks and best Regards

Hon. Treasurer

ISIA Ottawa

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Make Your Donation

Since 1994 , Our institution guiding students and people around the world. Helping others in every community and region with astonishing facilities. Since 1987, Our institution guiding students and people all around the world with education institutes.

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